Python examples
This page contains examples and links to programs used for our Research Methods - Programming with Python short course.
Very simple Python
Start a Python interactive session using the "python" command to get a >>> prompt.
and then simply
and you'll see
and then after you type "x" you'll see
>>>x 1.01
Clearly you have a real-time calculator in hand, so try something more exciting.
>>>x=1.01 >>>y=1.0001 x/y
and you'll see something like this
Modify that with
>>>z=x/y >>>z
and you'll see the same result. But now try
and you'll see
That is, the function int() took the integer part of z. You can put that in another variable such as
>>>a=int(z) >>>a 1
Curiously, a seems to be an integer. It is said to be dymanically typed in this assignment. That can change. If you now add a little bit to a you'll see it turns into a floating point number
>>>a = a + 0.001 >>>a 1.001