FLIR Camera
This session is to help you learn to use the FLIR camera together with the iPad to image infrared radiation. - the manufacturer of FLIR cameras.
Getting Started
1. Switch on FLIR camera (top button) and iPad.
2. navigate to the FLIR app.
3. test connection by looking around the room.
1. What color is warm? What color corresponds to cold temperatures?
2. What part of your face is warmest?
3. What part of you looks colder than your face?
4. Why do you think that part is colder?
5. What is the hottest thing in the room?
Is there anything changing temperature in the room? What is it? Heating up or cooling down?
Can you see hot or cold air come into the room from outside (look around the windows)?
Hold your hand onto a metal object for a minute. Can you see an effect on the FLIR image? Hold your hand on a wooden desk for a minute. Can you see something on the FLIR camera after you take your hand away? Can you explain why?
What kind of thing could you see if the FLIR camera was mounted on a telescope?
Point the FLIR camera at the sky and describe what you see.