Decrease light
Remove stars
Remove Io
Remove Europa
Remove Ganymede
Remove Callisto
Jupiter and its Satellites
University of Louisville Physics and Astronomy Module Project
Credits: NASA, Ian Webster, and Paul Bourke


Left mouse button - orbit the planet

Right mouse button - move about in this plane

Center mouse button - move in and out

Click Stars button to turn background sky on or off



Jupiter rotates on its axis every 9 hours and 55 minutes. This view from space is based on data from the NASA Voyager and Galileo missions.

Galileo was an international mission of the United States and Germany. It arrived at Jupiter in December 1995 after a six year journey from Earth. Galileo studied the planet and its satellites until September, 2003, when it was intentionally sent into Jupiter's atmosphere.
Credit: NASA, JPL/Caltech.